Case Clicker 2
- local function a_a()'ScreenGui')
- VIRGO.Name='VIRGO'VIRGO.Parent=game:service'CoreGui'Draggable.Name='Draggable'
- GuiLabel.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSans;GuiLabel.Text='ClassyInori boop'
- GuiLabel.TextXAlignment=Enum.TextXAlignment.Left;MinimizeButton.Name='MinimizeButton'
- MinimizeButton.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSans;MinimizeButton.Text='--'
- ScrollingFrame.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(color,color,color)ScrollingFrame.BorderSizePixel=0
- spawn(function()
- for h=0,1,1 /300 do wait()for a_b,b_b in next,VIRGO:GetDescendants()do
- b_b.TextColor3=Color3.fromHSV(h,1,1)end)end end until nil end)local b_a=200;local c_a=20
- if b_a%c_a>0 then error'Your math is a bit fucked up.'end;local d_a=290;local _aa={}local aaa={}local baa=0
- local'TextButton',ScrollingFrame)d_b.Name=a_b;d_b.Text=b_b;,d_a,0,c_a)
-,0,0,ScrollingFrame.CanvasSize.Y.Offset)if ScrollingFrame.Size.Y.Offset<b_a then ScrollingFrame.Size=
- baa=ScrollingFrame.Size.Y.Offset end
- d_b.BackgroundColor3=ScrollingFrame.BackgroundColor3;d_b.TextSize=16;d_b.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSans
- d_b.MouseButton1Click:Connect(c_b)_aa[a_b]=d_b;return d_b end
- if _aa[c_b]then local d_b=_aa[c_b],d_a/2,0,c_a)
- local'TextBox',ScrollingFrame)_ab.Name=a_b;_ab.Text=b_b;_ab.BorderSizePixel=0;_ab.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(color-5,
- _ab.TextSize=16;_ab.Font=Enum.Font.SourceSans
-,d_a/2,0,0)aaa[a_b]=_ab;return _ab end end
- if,300,0,0)then
- ScrollingFrame:TweenSize(,300,0,baa)),0,0,baa)elseif
-,300,0,baa)then MinimizeButton.Text='++'
- ScrollingFrame:TweenSize(,300,0,0)),0,0,0)end end
- MinimizeButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(_ba)local aba=getreg or debug.getregistry or nil;local bba=secret953 or
- secret500 or debug.setupvalue or nil
- if type(b_b)'function'then
- if not spin and c_b and c_b.spin then getgenv().spin=c_b.spin elseif
- not sell and c_b and c_b.sell and c_b.sell:IsA'RemoteEvent'then
- getgenv().sell=c_b.sell elseif not gettickets and c_b and c_b.getTickets and
- getgenv().gettickets=c_b.getTickets end end end;warn(spin,sell,gettickets)
- print('If there are any 'nil's in the above message something went wrong.')local dba={['M']=1000000}
- local a_b=game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui['Game GUI']['New Theme'].Menu.BottomBar.Currency.Bux.Text
- if tonumber(a_b)then return tonumber(a_b)else a_b=a_b:gsub('%,',')for b_b,c_b in next,dba do
- a_b:find(b_b)then a_b=a_b:gsub('%'.b_b,')a_b=a_b*c_b;if tonumber(a_b)then return
- tonumber(a_b)then return tonumber(a_b)end end;return math.huge end
- local aca={['Common']=1500,['Uncommon']=7500,['Rare']=37000,['Epic']=360000,['Legendary']=1500000,['Mystic']=3500000,['Amethyst']=8000000,['God']=20000000}
- local function bca()local a_b=_ca()local b_b=0;local c_b='for d_b,_ab in next,aca do
- if a_b>=_ab and _ab>b_b then c_b=d_b;b_b=_ab end end;return c_b end
- local a_b=game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui['Game GUI']['New Theme']['Menu Frames'].Upgrades.List.MultipleCases.Title.Text;local b_b,c_b=a_b:find('%(')local d_b,_ab=a_b:find('%)')
- local function dca()local a_b,b_b=gettickets:InvokeServer()
- a_b,b_b=tonumber(a_b),tonumber(b_b)if a_b and a_b>0 and b_b then return true else return false end end;local _da=false
- local ada=caa('AutoOpenButton','AutoOpen',function()_da=not _da;if _da then
- spin(bca(),cca())until not _da end)end end)local bda=false;local cda={Text={}}local dda=0
- local __b=caa('AutoSellButton','AutoSell',function()bda=not bda;local a_b=cda.Text;if
- tonumber(a_b)then dda=tonumber(a_b)else dda=0 end;if bda then
- sell:FireServer(math.huge)until not bda end)end end)
- cda=daa('AutoSellBox','Delay (put 0 for no delay)','AutoSellButton')
- repeat wait()
- ada.Text='AutoOpen '.tostring(_da):upper().' '.
- tostring(bda):upper().' '.tostring(dda)until nil end)
Is there a somekind of tactic for case clicker 2? Once you unlocked 2 dice you can roll combos which multiply the points you get for the roll. If a dice reaches level 100 you can ascend it to decrease the level to 1 and be able to draw a card. Cards give you a great bonus.
Railroad tycoon board game strategy. Don't expect your opponents to idly watch as you build a powerful network in the Northeast. You may think you have a profitable network locked up, but just as it was in the early days of the Age of Steam, success breeds competition, both fair and unfair. What makes Railroad Tycoon: The Boardgame challenging is when to do these things and in what order.Remember that other players will be competing for lucrative routes as well. Once you have a strong network, look for the big payoffs.Your choices are deceptively simple, build track, deliver goods, take an operations card, build an industry (urbanize) or upgrade your engine.