Total Domination Infestation Guide

  понедельник 20 апреля

Increase your Resource production; Gain the ability to hold onto an additional Deposit; Receive an additional 5 new Infestations of each type. Total Domination – Reborn is the iOS and Facebook reboot of the classic Total Domination: Nuclear Strategy, one of the most popular MMO strategy games for Facebook, and one of the games that kicked off the social/mobile version of the genre.

Total Domination – Reborn is the iOS and Facebook reboot of the classic Total Domination: Nuclear Strategy, one of the most popular MMO strategy games for Facebook, and one of the games that kicked off the social/mobile version of the genre. Total Domination – Reborn sets you in a post apocalyptic wasteland, in which thousands of warlords are fighting over land, and your goal is to conquer and subdue as much of it as possible. Read on for some tips and tricks for Total Domination – Reborn!

If you already have a game going on Facebook, don’t bother connecting this game to Facebook if you want to start over completely new. However, if you want to tie them together, you can connect via Facebook, and play the same account on both platforms if you want to. The wolf among us.

To make progress quickly, start off completing the quests to maximize your uranium, titanium and credits, and of course, to earn free crystals very quickly. However, at a certain point your resources will be maxed out, forcing you to deviate from the quests. When this happens start building and upgrading your warehouses and your banks. Spend it, too, on researching new technologies and on training new troops in the barracks, so that you can immediately launch into battle and be successful.

When you’re out in the world map searching for bases, go to their sector and use the recon feature to figure out which bases have been abandoned. If a base has been abandoned, farm it and use it for resources by attacking it over and over, without the worry of being beaten. Otherwise, if you want to attack active bases, stick to the ones that are a similar level to your base, but send in enough troops to where you will know that you can decimate their defenses easily.

Build the air field, the military factory, the S.C.A.R. training complex and the battalion headquarters as soon as possible in order to train more powerful troops. When you have enough troops, you can attack multiple bases at the same time, resulting in a massive increase in both resources and rankings for you and your base. Get your alliance in on it too – use your base as a staging point so that everyone can attack at once.

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Total Domination: Nuclear Strategy is a Facebook game that blends elements of real time strategy, tower defense and city building to create a unique and interesting game experience. You can fight wars, create alliances and build and expand your base into an absolute powerhouse. Read on to learn more about Total Domination.In Total Domination you have uranium mines, titanium mines and vaults, which earn you more uranium, more titanium, and more credits – these are your three resources. Unlike many other Facebook games, you do not have to manually collect anything from these units; they will simply add to your credit, uranium and titanium totals automatically. Usually when you come back to the game after not playing for awhile, your resource count will automatically be full, so build and upgrade a warehouse to stockpile resources while you’re gone. In fact, the warehouse should be the FIRST thing that you build and upgrade, before literally anything else.

Without a warehouse that can hold a good amount of resources, you’re wasting time when you’re offline and you’re severely limiting your ability to train troops, build new buildings and gain experience levels.To protect your base from attacks, your first line of defense are your defensive troops. The Cyberdogs are your first defensive troops, so unlock and build those as soon as possible before your hit level 9, because after you hit level 9 you are vulnerable to attack. Before you start using your troops to attack other bases, ALWAYS have an army of Cyberdogs on hand, because if you get attacked or raided in retaliation, you’ll get crushed without Cyberdogs or defensive fortifications.Before you start focusing resources on troops, focus on upgrading warehouses and building and upgrading vaults and mines first. The sooner you upgrade them, the quicker you’ll get resources and the more resources at a time you will be able to store, and the more things you can spend resources on, the faster you can gain experience levels.You can get more crystals by completing tasks or by gaining levels. Once you build a radar and an industrial syndicate, you can find deposits and mine them for crystals as well.

This is the only way to gain them so conserve them and don’t use them unless really necessary until you have enough of them that you can spend them freely. Defensive fortifications, walls, and weapons such as gun turrets all cost crystals to buy, and everything that you can buy on the black market costs crystals as well.To complete task 39, you have to wait for your scientists to send you a new module. Each day you’ll get sent a new module by a scientist, so you simply have to wait a day for your scientists to send you a new one after task 39 opens up, and then read the report from your scientist. You have to do this with a module after task 39 opens – you can’t do this with a previous module. Also, don’t sell the module that you get after the task 39 – if you get it and read the report and the task doesn’t register as completed, let the module sit in your inventory for awhile and it will register as being completed.That’s all for now!

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