Amateur Surgeon 4 Level 77
Contents.History Mediatonic was founded in September 2005 by two undergraduate students, David Bailey and Paul Croft, during their final year of study at. The company's first game was a viral flash game called Snowman Salvage released in the winter of 2005.The game provided a case study for Mediatonic to expand into Flash conversions for the Industry. Early games customers were businesses like,. In the early years, the company built casual titles in Flash such as and.Mediatonic expanded into creating original franchises with its partners around 2007. Retrieved 2013-08-06.
Play Amateur Surgeon 2: Simulator Online on - One of the world’s worst doctors is ready to come out of retirement. The results could be deadly fun. Jul 08, 2017 Level 77: Ignacious Bleed II for Amateur Surgeon 4 - Duration: 4:54. Killer Snoofie 20,352 views.
Frog Capital. Retrieved 7 August 2013.
Retrieved 2013-08-06. Retrieved 7 August 2013. Retrieved 7 August 2013. Jay Is Games. Retrieved 15 August 2013.
Retrieved 7 August 2013. Touch Arcade. Retrieved 7 August 2013. Retrieved 7 August 2013.
Retrieved 7 August 2013. Retrieved 15 August 2013.
Digital Noob. Retrieved 7 August 2013. Retrieved 15 August 2013. Retrieved 15 August 2013. Retrieved 15 August 2013. Retrieved 15 August 2013. Retrieved 7 August 2013.
Dust 514 vehicles 2016. Kerr, Chris. Retrieved 2020-02-04. Cowley, Ric; Editor. Retrieved 2020-02-04. CS1 maint: extra text: authors list. Retrieved 18 June 2014. Retrieved 2017-06-15.External links.
We’ve, so what comes next if you’ve gotten that far in Amateur Surgeon 4? Yes, we’ve got more walkthroughs for all you amateur surgeons out there, but before we get to that, let’s talk a bit about this new Android and iOS game from Adult Swim.
This is a surgery simulation game where you will be tasked to use a variety of unorthodox tools in operating on your patients. You’ll get all sorts of weird and wacky patients as you complete more and more levels, and as you probably know by now, it’s very important that you operate on them in the right way, using each item at the right time and the right place. And it’s also important to make sure you do these procedures within the given timeframe, and try to complete them with a lot of time remaining.Those are the basic mechanics of the game, but you may be aware that this isn’t really the easiest game to play.
There are some patients who may completely throw you off-kilter and force you to think out of the box. But we’ve done a lot of that thinking for you in this new Amateur Surgeon 4 walkthrough. With the first 12 levels completed, we’re now going to tackle levels/patients 13 to 30, and the things you need to do to operate on them properly.
Patient #13 – Horace D’ObsceneStart out by making an incision, and using the stapler, the lighter, and the gel to take care of the cuts found inside. Use the battery to kill the bugs. If you may have inadvertently injured Horace a little further with some missed zaps, use the gel to heal whatever new cuts may have appeared. Pull out the coin and use the vacuum to suck up the blood spatters, create a second incision. Again, deal with the cuts in the same way, and zap out the bugs.
Take care of the hole where the bugs are coming from by using the car battery thrice. A large bug will then emerge, and you also want to zap it three times. Use the gel to heal the resulting burns.
Close the incision to complete the operation. Patient #14 – Dr. RashidUse the tongs to remove all the tools. Staple the cuts, and cauterize them. Use the gel like you always would to heal cuts and staple marks alike. Create an incision, and follow the usual process for treating any cuts you may see. Use the scanner to find out where you need to make the next incisions – that would be the center right, lower center, and upper left.
Remove the syringes, cauterize the wounds, and apply ointment/gel afterwards. After cutting in a second time, use the vacuum to deal with the fire, and remove the vacuum from the doctor’s belly. Finish the operation by closing the incision.
Patient #15 – Faker HubrisUse the lighter to defrost the ice, and create an incision on top. Remove both the ice and the diamond, vacuum out the blood, and take care of the cuts as usual. For the incision in the lower right, defrost the ice, use the car battery to kill the bugs, and remove them with the tongs.
Repeat the process with the frozen kidney in the third incision, and use the chainsaw to take care of the dirty work – that’s cutting out one kidney, and sawing it into thirds. Remove the kidney pieces with the tongs. Put a new kidney in, and secure it with the lighter and the gel. Cauterize wounds and add gel to any small cuts that may have been caused by the bugs. Close the incisions once you’re at skin level once again. Patient #16 – Tommy GracefulsTake a look at all of the cuts and cauterize/apply gel on all of them.
Create an incision. Pull out the shards with the tongs, and do so as carefully as possible. Vacuum out the spatters, and treat the cuts with the staples, lighter, and gel. Create a second incision once at skin level again. Cut into all four corners of the heart – the upper right, lower right, upper left, and lower left.
Remove the shrapnel, vacuum out the splatters, treat the cuts, and close the incision. Patient #17 – Tony AliasMake a cut into the right of the belly button, and another one below his left nipple.
Use the tongs to remove the cash, and vacuum up the blood spatters. Use the staples, lighter, and ointment to treat the cuts. Create an incision and cut in his lower right side.
Once there, remove the credit card, vacuum the blood, and treat the cuts like you always would. Create another two incisions, and cut slightly right to the center of your screen. Remove the patient’s passport, vacuum the blood spatters, staple, cauterize, and apply gel to all of the incisions individually.
You should be good to go after that. Patient #18 – Richard ThimbleKeep his heart rate stable by using the injector/green syringe, and remove the shard of glass and the barbed wire. Vacuum the blood spatters, staple, cauterize, and add gel to all of the cuts. Use the green syringe again to stabilize heart rate, and cut in again. Use your pizza cutter on the bottom right of the patient’s left lung, and the middle left of his right lung.
You may again have to use the scanner for this particular operation. After that, take stock of what the scanner informs you, remove the barbed wire from the wounds, and vacuum up blood spatters. You know the drill after that – staple, cauterize, apply gel on the wounds and the incision. Patient #19 – Dick MastersonCut out and use the tongs to remove the diamond. Staple, cauterize, and apply gel, and create an incision, following the dotted line as you cut away. Cut in and use the chainsaw to remove the weak bone.
Replace that bone with the new one, and keep it in place with the lighter and gel. Remove the shard and use your stapler, lighter, and gel for the usual healing process. Once you’re back out, create another incision and replace the bone shard like you did earlier.
Close the incision, and create a third one. Again, it’s a very similar process – remove the old bone via chainsaw, then remove the two objects and the old bone. Vacuum up the blood spatters. Staple the cuts, use the lighter to secure the bone in place and cauterize the cuts. Use the gel on the bone and cuts and you’re all good. Patient #20 – Miss DistressCut inside, and create an incision.
Use the tongs to stick the pin inside, use your lighter to cauterize, and add gel. Repeat this process twice. Once you’re at skin level again, close the incision, and cut in again.
Repeat the process with the pin another four times so you can go back to skin level. Close the incision. Patient #21 – Scarlett ThrobbingvHeal her outside cuts and create an incision. Hit the crab with the chainsaw – you may need four tries to take care of the crab successfully. Use the tongs to remove any shrapnel that may result from this process. Heal the inside cuts and create another incision. Use the car battery to kill the two crabs, then heal any remaining cuts and the incision.
Patient #22 – Uncle ChucklesRemove his nose with the chainsaw. Use the tongs to pull it out, and replace it with a new nose. Keep the new nose in place with the lighter and the gel.
Create an incision, and use the car battery to zap the bird thrice as it flies. Use the vacuum to suck up the feathers, and use the red syringe to clear out the poisonous goo. Create another incision, and use the tongs to remove the coin and the furry friend. Use the vacuum to clean up the blood spatters. Staple, cauterize, and use the gel to heal the cuts and the incision.
Patient #23 – Shame-RockUse the stapler on the big cuts, then use the lighter and the gel to heal all of them. Create an incision, and use the chainsaw to remove the bone. Pull out the bone shards with the tongs, and use this items as well to remove the old bone. Suck up the blood spatters with the vacuum, then use the stapler on the big cuts. Secure the new bone in place and cauterize the cuts by using the lighter. Heal the bone and the cuts with the gel.
Close the first incision, and make a second one, repeating the same process you went through with the first one. After closing the second incision, you should be good to go.
Patient #24 – Mystery PatientDon’t let the name of this patient throw you off too much – this may be a long process, but it shouldn’t be too hard, provided you’re quick enough to do everything on time. Start by using the injector and creating an incision. Use the red syringe to suck out the goo. Use the stapler on the big cut, and cauterize and heal all the cuts. Close the first incision, use the green syringe, and create a second incision. Wait for the light to flash, as that’s the cue for the bee to fly over. Get the car battery and use it to zap the bee thrice.
When aiming at the bee, you want to target the far side of its path; this means aiming to the right if it’s coming from the left, and aiming to the left if it’s coming from the right. Use the tongs to pull out the dead bee and the coin.
Vacuum up the spatters, staple the big cut, cauterize the smaller ones, and heal all cuts with the gel. Close the incision.
Patient #25 – Temple GuardianBe prepared, as this is quite a lengthy process. Use the tongs to remove all the smaller pieces of debris, including the cubes; don’t worry too much at first about the bigger debris. Use the vacuum to suck up the blood, staple the big cuts, then use the lighter and apply gel on the cuts. Create an incision. Remove the small debris and don’t pay much attention to the large pipe. Vacuum as necessary and heal the cuts as usual.
Cut in right below the timer. Remove the debris, vacuum as needed, and follow the staple/cauterize/heal process.
Create a second incision, and do the same – vacuum, staple, cauterize, and heal. Create the second incision, and use the chainsaw to remove the large debris.
Clean up any blood spatters with the vacuum. Remove the debris with the tongs, and go back to the point of the first incision.Once you’ve returned to the first incision, use the chainsaw to remove the pipe, and use the tongs to remove a piece of debris from the left cut. Once again, vacuum, staple, cauterize, and heal. You will then be taken to the top, where you should remove the big piece of debris, vacuum, and follow the usual healing process when dealing with the cuts. Create an incision into the head, and use the chainsaw and tongs to help remove his brain.
Use the chainsaw again to cut off the metal piece, and the tongs to remove the metal. Staple, cauterize, and heal all of the patient’s cuts, and vacuum up the blood spatters.
A new brain should appear once you’ve cleaned up. Place the brain into his head, and use the lighter and ointment to fuse it in. Take care of the incision in his head, remove the metal spike from the side of his head, and use the vacuum to remove the blood. Create yet another incision, use the tongs to pull out the Game Boy, then the instruction manual, then the Magic 8-Ball. Yes, this is the longest process we’ve covered so far, but it’s what you need to do to operate on the Temple Guardian. Patient #26 – Mister Giblets (Part 1)You’ll be encountering this patient twice, and for the first operation, remove the coin, then vacuum out the blood spatters, staple, and cauterize. Apply gel on the cut.
Use the chainsaw and cut along the dotted line when working his head. Use the tongs to remove his metal hat, then to match the pipes. After matching the pipes, use the lighter and gel to weld his hat back on.
Match the pipes again, and close the incision. Create a third incision, and use the clamps ever-so-slightly above the spraying point on the pipes. Turn the clamps clockwise to close them, and match the new pipes afterwards. That should remove the clamps.
Once they’re gone, close the third incision. Patient #27 – Mister Giblets (Part 2)Fortunately, your second encounter with Giblets is not as difficult or as time-consuming as the first. Start by stapling the big cut, then by cauterizing and healing with the lighter and the gel. Create an incision and remove the shrapnel with the tongs. Vacuum out the blood, staple the big cuts, and follow the rest of the healing process before closing the incision.
Patient #28 – Prxy-4Start this procedure by stapling the big cut, then cauterizing and healing it. (Of course, you know what to do here.) Create an incision, then staple, cauterize, and heal all the big cuts. Create a second incision, remove the shrapnel, and use the vacuum to remove any blood spatters you may see. Staple, cauterize, and heal again, working the big cuts like you did earlier.
Close the incision once you’re done with the old staple/cauterize/heal process. Patient #29 – Dale BreakRemove the shrapnel, vacuum up the blood spatters, staple, cauterize, and heal. At this point, this should be par for the course.
Cut in on his left side, and repeat the above process. Cut in on the right side, and repeat the process again. You will then have to use the scanner.
Cut in on top, slightly veering toward the left, and remove the shrapnel. Vacuum up the blood, staple, cauterize, and use the gel. Follow those steps to the two incisions on the patient. Patient #30 – Neil FileBreak up the cement with the chainsaw.
Remove the blood spatters with the vacuum, then staple, cauterize, and apply gel on all of the cuts. Cut in on the left side, and use the chainsaw to take care of the cement; do not use the chainsaw on the organs just yet. Vacuum the blood spatters and staple, cauterize, then heal the cuts. That’s when you should use the chainsaw to remove the old organs. Cut these organs into three pieces, and remove them with the tongs. Keep using the tongs to install the new organs.
Close the first incision. Create a second incision and follow the same procedures you followed on the first. You’ll be done with this surgery after closing the second incision.Need more hints for the game? Covering Amateur Surgeon 4 levels 31-42.