4 Elements Ii Game

  четверг 12 марта

4 Elements 2 PC game to download free legally. In 4 Elements 2 you become the hero the kingdom seeks: set the fairies of earth, air, fire and water free, and restore the book of magic!

Story walkthroughThe main story consists of 4 elements, and each starts with a point-and-click adventure page followed by 4 character pages. Each character page contains 4 match levels followed by a small hidden picture puzzle.While the match level layout is not random, the actual layout of the tiles is random (or mostly random) so no specific solution can be given, but tips will be offered.MISSABLE ACHIEVEMENT ALERT: Remember not to use a hint on any of the puzzles or you will have to reset the game to unlock an achievement.AirStart by locating all of the pieces hidden in the scene. Shovel: On the ground left of the rock; below the crank; left side on the altar. Axe: Bottom left of the cave entrance; on top of the altar. Gear: Right of the altar; right of the cave entrance; behind the base of the tree.

Crystals: Behind a rock to the lower-left of the altar; in the grass at the bottom of the screen; at the top of the tree trunkYou should have the shovel complete and all of the other parts need only one piece. Use the shovel to dig the sand at the cave entrance to reveal the last piece of the axe. Use the axe to chop the roots covering the crank. Pick up the last gear piece and use it on the crank.This opens a puzzle. Complete the chain of gears: Large, small, large, small, small, and large.

This raises the bucket with the last crystal. Pick up the crystal and put them on the altar.Now you have to repeat three sequences of music notes. The note sequences are always the same, but there are two different patterns for each round. If you make a mistake, you are given the other pattern to try next. Labeling the crystals left to right (where ‘2’ is the short one in front and ‘3’ is the tall one behind it), the note sequences are: 5-4-1 / 6-3-5; 6-3-5-4 / 1-2-7-3; 7-4-3-3-2 / 6-3-5-4-3.Level 1: The first two levels are tutorial levels.

You really can’t fail them. However, they are also ideal levels to earn two achievements on. However, to do that, you have to break out of the tutorial mode. To do that, make a match in the center of the screen before the tutorial kicks in to tell you about matching squares. (If you see the fairy giving you the lesson, just restart the level, as the tutorial will require you to make a 4 tile chain.)Now, work on clearing this level, making only chains of 3 tiles.

You only have to clear a small gap in the middle and a slightly longer gap of 5 tiles at the end. 2 guidesLevel 3: This level introduces the spade power-up. This fills up by matching green tiles and when full lets you eliminate any single square of dirt. It doesn’t work on frozen squares and doesn’t eliminate the tile on that square. If the square has multiple layers of dirt, it only removes a single layer.Shortly into the level, you’ll get to an area where you have to use the spade to clear a block and to the left and right are two large areas of blocks.

This is a good opportunity to try for the speed achievements. You have to get 20 matches in 30 seconds or less. Make matches as fast as you can, starting from the top of the screen (so that the match doesn’t disturb the locations of other matches) and don’t wait for the tiles to finish falling. Match long chains 3 at a time (to get multiple matches instead of just one).

If you’re quick enough, you should unlock. 2 guidesIf you don’t unlock it here, there are plenty of other changes to do it. You can also disable the timer (enable ‘Relaxation mode’ in the settings charm) to give yourself more time to work with.Level 4: This level introduces the pipeline puzzle. These are usually straightforward, but time consuming. If your pipe gets stuck, it usually means you turned left when you should have turned right (or vice versa) but most of the time, there is only one way for the pipe to continue.This image shows the completed path. They won’t all be that easy.

A ship’s brake: The anchor on the ship in the upper right. A trap for flies: The spider web in the upper left. Born of a tree: The leaf below the ship on the right.

For steering a horse: The reigns worn by the Pegasus.Level 5: This level introduces ice squares. They don’t collapse when tiles below them are eliminated.

Using an ice tile in a chain just thaws it but doesn’t destroy the tile or the dirt under it. This is where long chains help as an ice square in a chain that is also hit by the explosion will remove both the ice and the dirt. You cannot use the shovel on frozen squares.Level 6: This level introduces magical arrows. They activate when the ooze reaches them and fire off for a predetermined distance, destroying items in their path (and can activate other arrows).The pipeline puzzle is solved like this. Level 7: The magic fire power is unlocked now which is powered by red tiles.

This will clear all frozen squares and destroy tiles for 2 squares in all directions from the tile you activate. However, it will not clear dirt to allow ooze to flow.Level 8: Level 8 introduces squares with multiple layers of dirt. Anything that clears dirt (making a chain, using the shovel, or explosions) only remove one layer, but a tile that is part of a chain that also explodes will get two layers removed (one for the chain and one for the explosion).Fairy: This is a spot the difference puzzle. Click (in either picture) on the four differences between the two images. In the Fairy picture, the differences are.

Stump over the fairy’s head. Door on the left side. Flower on lily pad in lower left. Ladybug on red flower in lower rightLevel 9: This level introduces the locked gate. In addition to making a path to the gate, you also have to make a path to the blue and green beacons that unlock the gate.Level 10: This level introduces the rings. They come in two forms: ones that form a cross (like the first one you see) and ones that form a path (either straight or curved).

Usually there is only one correct orientation for the rings, but occasionally you can use the curved path to form a path between both entrances or both exits making the rest of the level very difficult or impossible to clear.Even where you get a choice, once you have the rings lined up for a particular, valid exit, you can’t change them.When you get to the fork, you can choose whether to take the left or right path based on how you configure the rings. The right path is narrower, which makes chains harder to form, but is only a single level deep.

I think going left is easier, but both routes are still very easy and there is no time pressure yet.This is the solution to the pipeline puzzle. Level 11: The swap power-up is unlocked here which is powered by yellow tiles. Rappelz quest list. It lets you swap any two tiles on the board. You cannot swap stone blocks or frozen tiles. This can help you make chains in tight places or join shorter chains to make longer chains.Level 12: This level introduces the sliding block puzzle. You have to slide the blocks around to make a path for the ooze to get through.

Most of them are very simple, but some can be tricky, especially with the time constraint. There are two sliding block puzzles on this level. These diagrams show how to solve each puzzle. Three pearls: On her shoulder, left of the eagle’s feet, in the arch over the castle’s door.

Balloon: Left of the castle. Compass: Around the eagle’s neck. Dry Tree: Halfway up the path, below the castle. Eyepiece: Worn by the eagle. Flower: Bottom of her gown. Mirror: On the steps, left of the eagle. Origami Crane: In her lap near her hand.

Ribbon: Hanging off the steps, left of the eagle. Small Bird: Flying in the upper rightLevel 13: There are three sliding block puzzles on this level. The pendant around the Ifrit’s neck. The rightmost gem in the Ifrit’s hat. The beak on the right bird head. The arches below the Ifrit.Level 29: At the very start try to match one of the blocks at the bottom of the screen to let the ooze flow to the arrows.

You have to do this while the screen is in motion as they will move off screen. If you can do this, it makes the very end of the level much easier (as the arrows will destroy the multiple layers of dirt and ice around the goal).There is a pipeline puzzle here. 3 Emeralds: Ring in the far upper left; at the tip of the upper wing; on the claw above his head. Arrow: At the very bottom right.

Axe: Struck into the shield on the right. Chain: Tied to the rocks in the upper right. Fern: On the dragon’s wing just above his head. Flask: On the dragon’s wing just above his head. Key: On the ground on the bottom left. Lute: On the right, above the dragon’s head.

Sword: Below the banner on the left. Tassel: Hanging from the banner on the leftEarthStart the Earth puzzle by finding the loose items. (You might remember this scene as being down the well from the Air puzzle.). More interestingly, at the very start of the level are two magic arrows in the lower corners that eliminate some blocks just before the goal.

Going the same direction as an arrow you activated helps a little. (You can still activate those arrows at the end of the level if you went the “wrong” way or didn’t activate either arrow.)There is a rotating pipeline at the bottom. Be sure you set it the wrong way – you can set it to the side that you’re ooze is not on and lock yourself out. You’d have to melt and dig the ice block to finish the level if you do that.Level 36: There is a sliding block puzzle here.

Level 38: When you get to the fork in the middle, the left fork is much shorter than the right fork. Near the end of the level is a sign suggesting that magical fire would be helpful. While true, the next area is much harder to clear and could benefit from the fire more and you probably won’t have a chance to recharge your fire power-up before then. Try to get through the thin wall of stone and ice without using the fire power-up there.Level 39: Near the end there is a ring path.


Be sure not to join the two inputs or you’ll have to go through the narrow path around the ring instead.Level 40: There is a sliding block puzzle here. Armored Seeds: Pine cone in the lower right. House for Squirrels: Hole in tree in the upper left. Musical Instrument: Horn in the druid’s belt. Poison Parasol: Mushroom at the base of the tree on the leftLevel 41: There is an area with a locked gate and its portals surrounded by ice.

Just clear a path to the magic arrow in the middle (make a chain of 6 tiles ending just below the arrow to burst the rocks around it and then a chain of 3 tiles to clear an opening). The arrows will clear paths to the portals and the gate.The left and right forks after this lead to the same place. These are followed by a sliding block puzzle. Lever: Very lower right; on the right end of the fence left of the bridge; in the tree in the upper left.

Shears: Left of the pedestal; left of the stream bed; right of the bridge on the path;. Pick: In the dry stream bed at the bottom; under the arch of the bridge; on the fence in front of the path on the right; above the blue mechanism on the right.

Wand: In the rocks over the left end of the fence on the rightYou should have the pick finished and need one piece for the lever and shears and two pieces for the wand.Use the pick on the rocks below the bridge to reveal a piece of the shears. Use the shears to cut away the vines from the altar to reveal a piece of the lever. Use the lever on the mechanism on the right (with the large blue gem). This opens a puzzle.Click on the branch to clear it out of the gears.

Slide all of the pins in, rotate the piece on the outside of the pins all the way counterclockwise and then slide the pins back out. Push the red button.

This allows the river to flow again. There is a piece of the wand in the river at the bottom of the screen and another in the blooming flower on the altar.Give the completed wand to the Air fairy.Level 49: You want to take the down fork as it skips one area present in the upper fork. There is a sliding block puzzle here. Three coins: On the captain’s right sleeve; in the rope on the dock post on the right (below the helmet); in the crack of the crate below the captain’s foot.

Anchor: On the tavern sign. Boathook: Along the very right edge of the scene (very hard to see). Cannon: Between the captain’s legs.

Helmet: On top of the dock post left of the captain. Knife: In the rope of the basket at the lower left. Lamp: On the basket to the right of the captain. Pencil: In the captain’s ear. Spyglass: On the crate below the captain’s foot. Wheel: Left of the dock postsLevel 58: There is a pipeline puzzle here. Level 59: At the start of the level is a portal that unlocks the gate at the very end of the level.

Unlock it if you can. As you proceed around the perimeter of the level, there are many opportunities to activate arrows or mines that make the inner part of the level much easier. Note that you only have to do this on one side since when you get to the end of the perimeter, you get to choose whether to go left or right.Level 60: Near the end is a row of rocks above a steel wall with a single frozen tile leading to arrow. Don’t bother trying to break through that opening since when you get to the left end of that area, a magic arrow will destroy the steel wall anyway. After this is a pipeline puzzle.

Iron Watchman: Padlock just left of the lobster below the mermaid. Marine Steed: Seahorse right of the harp. Royal Cap: Crown at the base of the harp. Undersea Jewels: String of pearls around the mermaid’s neckLevel 61: Early on there is a row of frozen tiles with some stones above them. When you enter this area, a magic arrow is activated that eventually leads to an arrow that destroys the ice. Try to make as much progress across this area before the ice is destroyed as the stone will interfere with your progress.There is a second area just like the first right after this.

This is followed by a sliding block puzzle. Level 63: The start of the level is tricky. As you are working your way down the middle, near the bottom is a small area that the ooze flows through with magic arrows to the side. You don’t have to break any dirt to let the ooze by, but you’ll want to break through the sides to activate the arrows. This will activate other arrows which will destroy the rows of frozen blocks.

At the very bottom of the middle is a long row of dirt which is always filled with the same color tile. The magic arrows will destroy most, but not all, of the dirt but will replace the tiles with random tiles so you need to match that column of tiles before the magic arrows destroy it.When you get to the bottom, you need to keep the ooze flowing on both sides.

However, if you get too far ahead on one side, the screen will scroll up and you’ll lose access to the tiles required to unblock the ooze on the other side. This might require saving a match on one side that will clear the area and using it right after you have unlocked the other side.Level 64: This final level is really long. Keep referring to the map to see which direction you’re supposed to advance: left across the tail, down and around the root, left around the bottom edge of the ball and then up through the middle of the ball, right and then down into the hand, then up and right into the body; up to the head and down and left towards the goal.In the tail section, the dirt is already dug in long, vertical columns and will zigzag its way across. However, this takes a long time so you’ll want to break as many of the vertical columns as you can to speed the progress of the ooze.When you enter the bottom of the ball and reach the wall of ice, look to the right and break the dirt to the magic arrow. That will tunnel all the way through the ice.When you reach the hand, again there is a path for the ooze around the outside edge of the hand, but you’ll want to try and save time by breaking across the wrist.There is a sliding block puzzle here. 1 guideNow start a new game.

You have to play through the entire game again. The only difference now is that you have all four power ups from the start, but that’s the only difference. If you missed out the achievements for solving a level with only short or long chains, you should do that now as the first few Pegasus levels are the only reasonable spot to do it in.During this replay is a good time to focus on two other achievements that require you to make a chain of 20 chips. The best way to do this is to find a level with a large open area, especially one where there are large chains handed to you and build a chain of 20. It’s best to turn off the timer (turn on Relaxation mode in the Settings charm) and use the swap power-up to connect long chains. Levels 32, 53 and 64 seem particularly suited for this. When you have a chain of 20 chips or more, you’ll unlock.

Four Elements Trainer is a massive Dating Sim/Visual Novel (in development) set in the universes of Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, and will be 4+ complete games all united into one. Along the way, you'll find plenty of characters, quests, stories, fights, and mysteries to unlock.There are over 100 H-scenes with unique art (almost all animated) - with additional in-game variations with many more to come.Books 1, 2 and 3are finished! Every route and playthrough is a different, unique experience, with lots of choices and H-scenes. Book 2's routes are particularly different from one another and are each packed with their own unique scenes.Book 2 has roughly 4x the content of Book 1 and lots of complexity, while Book 1 is a more straightforward experience.Book 3 is where you'll have all sorts of fun with a pint sized earth bender. Once again depending on what route you choose it can get nasty or nice. New girls like Suki, Joo Dee, Jin etc and an underground maze to slowly explore are some of it's unique elements.Book 4, still in development, is where you'll meet a female avatar from the south pole. Whereas the other main girls of book 1, 2 and 3 could only bend one element, this girl has no problems doing anything the other girls could.

This game is a fan-based parody.Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra are both owned by Viacom and Nickelodeon.MITY is not affiliated in any way, shape, or form with these legal entities.Please support the official release.All characters have been aged up to 18 and exist in an alternate reality where events started years into the future.Why should I support you, MITY?Your support is what makes it possible for us to build this game, and build more games like it. We're creating these games because there's not enough of them, and we love them, but we also hope you wouldn't mind tossing a few dollars our way. Our gratitude extends far past the rewards we offer, but we've got some sweet extras that won't take much time away from making the game in the first place!Starting at $5.00 you will get access to all early game builds and development updates. $10.00 level support gets you large, high-quality, pre-layered images every month, including art that won't be used in-game or found anywhere else. If you're able to help us out even more, the higher levels have some pretty cool stuff like custom art, events, and the ability to playtest for bugs and stuff.If you can't support us, don't worry, the game will always be released for free.Yeah, but. How far along can it be?We've finished book 3 and working on the start of the 4th.

We continually seek to prove how serious we are and how much content we have planned. We're pretty tired of how many game makers release tiny teases. We wanted something substantial, and don't be mistaken, this game is substantial. There are hours of content, containing dozens and dozens of naughty scenes with multiple characters, tons of quests, fights, intrigue, you name it.What are 'books'?Sticking to the Avatar way of breaking up chapters, each 'Book' is its own game, in it's own nation. Book 1 is in the Water Tribe with Katara, Book 2 is in the Fire Nation with Azula. Book 3 is in the Earth Kingdom with Toph. There will be at least 4 books.

Each book is filled with lots of characters and events, and each has its own unique feel. Book 1 is simple and easygoing. Book 2 is darker, more complex, and larger. And so on.What are 'routes'?Each book has two routes - essentially a 'slave' route and a 'love' route. Each route has its own unique story, scenes, events, and interactions.Four Elements Trainer will essentially be 8 full games in one comprehensive storyline when complete.I keep getting stuck. How do I unlock the naughty things?We may make a guide someday to help you along, but here's a few quick tips:BOOK 1.

Hunt. The way to unlock more risque activities with Katara is to bring meat and hides back to the villagers. Endorse Katara. This will not only unlock higher levels of sluttiness (after hunting enough to unlock said activities), but is also the key to multiple quests.

Train. This will make hunting much, much easier. Favors.

You may need to visit some individuals multiple times to unlock their quests. Non-linear. Everything is tied together. Don't expect to spend time only on one portion of the game and unlock that section - you'll need to think like a Waterbender, and make some ripples. Extra/hidden content.

I'm not telling you! There's plenty in there though. Alright, I'll give you one.

Visit the mine a bunch. THAT'S ALL YOU'RE GETTING OUT OF US.